Intertox, Massachusetts Toxic Use Reduction Institute, and Cambridge Public Health Department, are sponsoring a full day continuing education course "Risk Assessment for Nanomaterials: Current Developments and Trends" on May 29, 2007 at MIT.
Speakers include: T. Earles, Office of Science and Technology Policy, White House; M. Ellenbecker (Mass Toxic Use Reduction Institute); K. Kulinowski, International Council on Nanotechnology, Rice University ; J. Steevens (Army Corps of Engineers); J. Isaacs (Northeastern University) ;V. Murashov, NIOSH; M. Hull (Luna Innovation) and I. Linkov (Intertox) ; S. Lipson (City of Cambridge); J. Monica (Porter Wright) ; and L. Sheremeta (National Nanotech Institute, Canada) .
An online registration form for the symposium can be found here.