Nanotechnology Now reports that Small Times has named  the University of Albany’s College of Nanoscale Science and Engineering ("CNSE") as the nation’s top-ranked college for nanotechnology and microtechnology.  Rounding out the top-ten:

CNSE’s ranking as number one in the world placed it ahead of Cornell University (2), the University of Michigan (3), the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (4), Penn State University (5), Arizona State University (6), the University of Washington (7), North Carolina State University (8), the University of Maryland (9), Rice University (10), Rutgers University (11) and Stanford University (12), among others. CNSE also received top-10 rankings from its peers in three areas: nano commercialization, micro commercialization and micro research.

Congratulations to Albany!  I am glad to see that more and more universities are establishing nanotechnology as a separate program, although I’m not familiar with any other universities with actual schools or colleges dedicated to nanotechnology.  Of course, the Patent & Trademark Office still does not recognize materials science as a field of study that qualifies one to take the patent bar — but that is a different subject for a different day.