Yesterday, Inside OSHA published an article entitled "Labor Groups Begin Collecting Nanotechnology Exposure Data."  The article quotes an AFL-CIO industrial hygienist as indicating the union is gathering data on workers exposed to nanomaterials in the workplace, and that it is "surveying workers to identify potential adverse effects from the controversial new technology and to track any occupational hazard trends within the industry." 

The article is a little unclear in some respects.  After personally speaking with the AFL-CIO industrial hygienist in question, I learned that the AFL-CIO (like many other groups) is watching nanotechnology very closely and is reviewing all new EHS information as it is published in the public domain. The scientist did not mean to imply that the AFL-CIO is currently out measuring and sampling nanoscale materials in the ambient workplace environment.

Undoubtedly, the possible EHS effects of nanotechnology will continue to be closely monitored by relevant labor groups.