Earlier today, Assistant Administrator James Gulliford, of US EPA’s Office of Pollution Prevention and Toxics (OPPT) conducted a question and answer session related to his office’s work regarding nanomaterials.

The full transcript can be found here, and Mr. Gulliford took questions for a little more than an hour.

Highlights of the transcript include:

  • Reiteration of EPA’s view that those materials with unique molecular identities should be listed on the TSCA inventory, regardless of size;
  • At least 30 pre-manufacture notices for nanomaterials have been submitted to EPA; and
  • When asked about the response of the NMSP, Mr. Gulliford responded, "very positive. Many US trade associations support the program and encourage their members to participate. In fact, DuPont has already submitted information for a nanoscale titanium dioxide. I expect widespread participation in the NMSP because it will help us all better understand nanomaterials and implement a more effective oversight program."

Having just met Assistant Administrator Gulliford myself, I was impressed with his handling and perspective with regards to nanomaterials.  He did not strike me as someone who would rush to judgment with regards to regulation, but at the same time would not stand for unnecessary delays in closing the data gap.  In my short time with him, I was impressed by his reserve and thoughtful when addressing the issue of nanotechnology regulation in the absence of solid data.