The European Trade Union Confederation adopted a "Resolution on Nanotechnologies and Nanomaterials" in June of 2008. At the recent "Working and Living with Nanotechnologies" conference earlier this month, ETUC presented this resolution and a powerpoint that both summarized and expanded on issues raised by the resolution.

The resolution takes a very positive approach to nanotechnology, anticipating a massive increase in the total number of people employed in nanomanufacturing in Europe. More importantly, it looks at how to minimize potential worker exposure to manufactured nanoparticles and reduce the possible adverse effects of such exposure. In addition, the resolution calls for changes in product labelling and for national registers of nanoproducts to aid the consumer in deciding if they want to purchase a product.

On the whole, this is a moderately toned document that corporations in both Europe and the US presently involved in the commercialization of nanotechnologies and nanomaterials should take a look at and consider.