Earlier today, the Guardian printed a letter from the Soil Association criticizing the paper’s nanotechnology supplement appearing last Thursday. The letter cites the Song study from China as more evidence supporting its call for a moratorium on nanoscale materials along with "nano-free" standards, which we have previously covered. Key statements from the letter follow:
"Seven women working in a factory [in China] where nanoparticles were used in paint fell ill with serious lung disease and two died. Researchers . . . found nanoparticles deep in the lungs of the women . . . A chemical in the paint, the patients’ lung tissue and the liquid surrounding the lungs were all found to contain nanoparticles."
"There should be an immediate freeze on the commercial release of nanomaterials until there is a sound body of scientific research into all the health impacts."
The letter does not attempt to explain any of the severe criticism the Song article has received by most main stream scientists, and is a good example of bad science put to a questionable use.