If you’re near Monash University on Friday March 11, you might want to stop by the Monash University Law Chambers (at 472 Bourke Street in Melbourne) to attend the launching party for "International Handbook on Regulating Nanotechnologies" published by Edward Elgar Publishing – wonder if that means there’ll be some "Pomp and CIrcumstance" ?
The International Handbook, edited by
Graeme A. Hodge, Director, Monash Centre for Regulatory Studies, Faculty of Law, Monash University, Australia, Diana M. Bowman, Senior Research Fellow, Centre for Health Policy, Programs and Economics, Melbourne School for Population Health, University of Melbourne, Australia and Andrew D. Maynard, Director, Risk Science Center, University of Michigan School of Public Health, US
discusses four areas of concern:
Part 1: Concepts and Foundations
Part 2: Framworks for Regulating Nanotechnologies
Part 3: Case Studies in Regulating Nanotechnologies and Nano-Products
Part 4: The Future Regulatory Landscape
Part 5 is a concluding chapter by the three editors referred to above.
John Monica, an attorney and noted author on nanotechnology himself, notes on the back cover of this treatise
`The Handbook’s 26 chapters do a remarkable job of capturing the last decade of commentary and policy perspective regarding nano-related environmental health and safety regulatory issues, along with providing some fresh perspectives on where its future might be headed. It is an invaluable primer for those wanting to hear about the issue from some of the most authoritative voices in the area.’
To RSVP, please e-mail meli.voursoukis@monash.edu. Please RSVP by Thursday March 3, 2011