In the Federal Register for February 15, 2011, the National Nanotechnology Coordination Office announced it would hold a workshop on March 10 & 11 2011
to provide an open forum and engage in an active scientific discussion
about environmental health and safety questions for nanomaterials and
nanotechnology-enabled products, to encourage joint US-EU programs of
work that would leverage resources, and to establish communities of
research practice, including identification of key points of contact/
interest groups/themes between key US and EU researchers for near-term
and future collaborations.
The March 10, 2011 sessions, to be held at George Washington University Elliott School of International Affairs, is divided into two parts. Part 1, "Understanding Perspectives and Programs", will focus on an overview of EU and US EHS research plans and the different perspectives both bring to their research efforts. Part 2, "Data Needs for Regulatory Decision Making", focuses on
1 – Human health data
2- Environment data needed to make informed regarding regulations, particularly the regulation of nanoindustries.
The March 11, 2011 sessions will be held at the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS). The first part of this days sessions focuses on "Tackling the Challenges of Producing Reliable and Reproducible data for nanoparticles assessment and risk management", while the final session, "Getting it done together", will look at establishing mechanisms for EU and US regulatory agencies to work together in the future.
Pre-registration is required and can be done at . Registration closes at 4PM on March 9, 2011. Anyone interested in presenting short comments (3-5 minutes) also needs to register at