By Porter Wright on Cal. DTSC and UCLA Present — Nanotechnology VI Symposium: ‘Progress in Protection’ This one-day workshop, on Wednesday, October 13, is sponsored by the California Department of Toxic Substance Control and UCLA. Leading scientists will discuss the latest strategies in protecting workers in the research, development and manufacturing of nanomaterials, and define further research and developmental … Continue Reading
By Porter Wright on The Nano-Network and Wright State University are holding a joint conference on Multifunctional Nanomaterials: Cross-cutting Growth Opportunities in Energy, Environment and Aerospace Applications on May 24, 2010 at Wright State University in Dayton, Ohio. "The aim of this one-day networking event is to bring together leaders and sponsors from Ohio industry, AFRL, AFOSR and university … Continue Reading
By Porter Wright on Here is the Summer 2009 edition of Nanotechnology Law Report. The newsletter contains the below-listed articles (and more): EPA Issues Significant New Use Rules for Carbon Nanotubes Are Nanoparticles Released by Cutting or Compounding Nano-Composites? Annual Nano TiO2 Production Estimated at 44,000 Metric Tons Are Nano Consumer Products Headed Underground? Oversight of Next Generation Nanotechnology … Continue Reading
By Porter Wright on Chubb Insurance is hosting a one-day nanotechnology insurance conference on October 13, 2009 in North Branch, New Jersey: "Nanotechnology: What is the Best Safety and Risk Management Approach?" From the conference website: "This conference brings together prominent nanotechnology speakers who will review nanotechnology background, health and safety, and potential insurance and liability issues. Current risk … Continue Reading
By Porter Wright on The Food & Drug Law Institute is holding its 2nd Annual Conference on Nanotechnology Law, Regulation and Policy on February 18-19, 2009 at the L’Enfant Plaza Hotel in Washington, DC. Register here. Topics include: What progress is FDA making in implementing its Nanotechnology Task Force Report? What can FDA learn from EPA and other oversight … Continue Reading
By Porter Wright on Michael Heintz, of the Nanotechnology Law Report, and JD Gibbs, of ENVIRON, will be co-presenting on nanotechnology issues at the upcoming Ohio Chemistry Technology Council annual conference on March 19. JD will discuss the technical aspects of nanotechnology, and Michael will discuss regulatory developments in nanotechnology, including the EPA White Paper, Berkeley ordinance, and TSCA inventory … Continue Reading