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Tag Archives: Education

S. 3117, Promote Nanotechnology in the Schools Act of 2010

While much of the media and public’s attention was focused on Senator Dodd’s introduction of an amended financial services reform bill and the ongoing debate over the health care reform bill, Senators Ron Wyden (D-OR) and Olympia Snowe (R-ME) introduced S. 3117, the "Promote Nanotechnology in the Schools Act of 2010" (the link is to Senator … Continue Reading

NINE is up and running

You’ll recall some time ago, I reported on the National Institute of Nano Engineering that was being housed at Sandia National Labs.  While still in its infancy, NINE is making progress and can now be accessed on its new webpage (102 total hits as of this posting).… Continue Reading

The new “NINE”

Spearheaded by Sandia National Labs, a group of universities and industry has formed the National Institute for Nano-Engineering (NINE) to address the science and engineering education concerns related to nanotechnology.  The NINE "hub" will be located at Sandia, and is designed to "broaden students’ education through a unique team research experience by engaging in multi-disciplinary … Continue Reading

New Journal on the Block

A new nanotechnology-focused publication has just announced its own launch.  The Journal of Nano Education is "a peer-reviewed international journal that aims to provide the most complete and reliable source of information on current developments in nanoscale science, technology, engineering, and medical education," and is now accepting submissions for publication.  In addition to publishing materials … Continue Reading