By Porter Wright on Wednesday’s Federal Register carried a notice from the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) extending the comment period for proposed methods of collecting information regarding the use of nanoscale materials in pesticides published in the Federal Register of June 17, 2011. The original deadline for submitting comments was July 18, 2011. The deadline for submission has been extended … Continue Reading
By Porter Wright on The NanoSafety Consortium for Carbon has recently posted a bibliography of in vivo tox studies on its website. The bibliography is (obviously) a work in progress. We would greatly appreciate it if our readers would bring to our attention any pertinent articles that are not already on the bibliography. The articles will be used to inform … Continue Reading
By Porter Wright on Just a quick plug for our new NanoSafety Consortium for Carbon which was recently launched to address potential EHS issues concerning its members’ products. You can learn more about the consortium at:… Continue Reading
By Porter Wright on SafeNano is reporting that a new effort for global research for nanotoxicology issues was announced earlier this week at NanoTox 2008. This new, international research alliance is tasked with the "creation of protocols for a limited number of toxicology tests on a small number of representative nanoparticles to enable a ‘round robin’ study in which … Continue Reading
By Porter Wright on The National Science Foundation has announced it call for proposals for creating the new Center for Environmental Implications of Nanotechnology. The proposal is for grant money to help create a "national Center to conduct fundamental research and education on the implications of nanotechnology for the environment and living systems at all scales."… Continue Reading