Technology Law Source

Tag Archives: Nanosafety

An Industry-Driven Approach to EHS Issues

My new Nanotechnology Law & Business article — "An Industry Driven Approach to EHS Issues: ‘The NanoSafety Consortium for Carbon’" — can be found here.  The abstract follows. The NanoSafety Consortium for Carbon (NCC) is an industry-driven group formed to proactively address potential environmental, health, safety, and regulatory concerns related to the commercia-lization of its … Continue Reading

Nanoscale Carbon: In Vivo Tox Bibliography

The NanoSafety Consortium for Carbon has recently posted a bibliography of in vivo tox studies on its website.  The bibliography is (obviously) a work in progress.  We would greatly appreciate it if our readers would bring to our attention any pertinent articles that are not already on the bibliography.  The articles will be used to inform … Continue Reading

NanoSafety Consortium for Carbon

Just a quick plug for our new NanoSafety Consortium for Carbon which was recently launched to address potential EHS issues concerning its members’ products.  You can learn more about the consortium at:… Continue Reading

Nanosafety in Uncertain Times

The International Association of Nanotechnology (IANT), a non-profit organization established with the goals of fostering research and business development in Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, is sponsoring a talk and discussion on "Nanosafety in Uncertain Times"  on October 21, from 5:30PM -7:30 PM in San Jose California. The featured speaker will be John Monica Jr, a partner … Continue Reading