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Tag Archives: socks

Another Nano-Silver Sock Study

We have previously reported on a study by Arizona State researchers looking into the potential release of nanosilver particles from odor-killing socks during theoretical wash cycles.  A new study from Switzerland examines the issue in further detail. L. Geranio, et al., "The Behavior of Silver Nanotextiles during Washing," Environ. Sci. Technol. (Sept. 2009). Three authors from the … Continue Reading

Environmental Pollution from Nanosilver Socks?

A recent study by two Arizona State University researchers found that socks made of fabric incorporating nanoscale silver may potentially release that silver into wash-water. T. Benn, et al., "Nanoparticle Silver Release into Water from Commercially Available Sock Fabrics," Environmental Science & Technology, Vol. 42, at 4133-4139 (2008). Why put silver in your socks?  Because it … Continue Reading