The House Science and Technology Committee will hear testimony on the NNI Amendments Act of 2008 on April 16, 2008.  Those scheduled to speak before the committee include:

  • Floyd Kvamme, co-chairman of the President’s Council of Advisors on Science and Technology;
  • Sean Murdock, executive director of the NanoBusiness Alliance;
  • Joseph Krajcik, associate dean for research and professor of education at the University of Michigan;
  • Andrew Maynard, chief science advisor for the Woodrow Wilson Center’s Project on Emerging Nanotechnologies;
  • Raymond David, manager of toxicology for the BASF Corporation;
  • Robert Doering, senior fellow and research strategy manager at Texas Instruments

This full-committee hearing will begin at 10:00 AM in 2318 Rayburn House Office Building.