Our friends at AZoNano (www.AZoNano.com) recently sent us this full page, color, sunscreen advertisement from the September 16, 2009 Weekend Australian Magazine. The sunscreen in question, called "Invisible Zinc," claims to use an invisible film of zinc oxide to provide UVA and UVB skin protection to its users. Our readers will quickly note the prominent disclaimer appearing in the upper right hand corner of the page — "*Micronised (Not Nano)." It’s the first I’ve seen. If you know of others, please forward them to me if you get a chance.
It appears that the anti-nano sunscreen publicity occurring over the past few years is now taking root in demonstrable ways.
Author’s note: Technology is truly decreasing the size of our world. AZoNano’s CEO — Dr. Ian Birkby — found this "Invisible Zinc" advertisement in Australia where he lives, and then wrote about it on Twitter. I picked up his tweet and asked for a copy, which he kindly emailed to me. Now nanolawreport readers from various countries can also read about the advertisement. Dr. Birkby is @Birkers on Twitter, while I am @nanolaw. Hope to hear from you soon.