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Tag Archives: DEFRA

US/UK Partnership Announced

In recent days, the US EPA’s National Center for Environmental Research and the United Kingdom’s Natural Environment Research Council, Physical Sciences Research Council, Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs, and Environment Agency announced a "joint research effort to develop and validate predictive tools and similar conceptual models that predict exposure, bioavailability and effects of manufactured nanomaterials … Continue Reading

Environmental Defense and NMSP

The advocacy group Environmental Defense Fund recently issued a press release declaring that all the data submitted to the EPA under the voluntary Nanoscale Materials Stewardship Program is entering a "black hole."  However, this conclusion is premature at best, and sector damaging at worst.… Continue Reading

DEFRA Voluntary Reporting

The United Kingdom’s Department of Food, Environment, and Rural Affairs (DEFRA) has released its Sixth Quarterly Report concerning the response to its Voluntary Reporting Scheme for Manufactured Nanomaterials (VRS), and the news is not good.… Continue Reading