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Tag Archives: EU

Riding the waves of U.S. data privacy legislation

Much has been written about the European General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). Commentators have touted the EU’s supposedly superior data protection regimen. But don’t lose focus on what is happening within the U.S. and the implications for U.S. companies that may not be focused on GDPR requirements. Even companies that are GDPR focused may not … Continue Reading

European Parliament Members Vote for Ban on Nanomaterials, Including Nanosilver and Carbon Nanotubes

The Members of the European Union’s (“EU”) Environment Committee (“MEPs”) recently voted in favor of proposed amendments to the EU’s Restriction of Hazardous Substances Directive, first passed in 2002, banning the use of nanosilver and long multi-walled carbon nanotubes in electrical and electronic products. The legislators also approved language requiring that any electrical or electronic … Continue Reading

European Parliament votes on measure to regulate food nanotechnology

Members of the European Parliament’s environment, public health and food safety committee have voted to control the use of nanotechnologies in foods for humans. The proposed measure entirely excluded entry onto European Union (“EU”) markets of any food derived from cloned animals as well as food produced by nanotechnology processes, unless such food has undergone … Continue Reading

“Nano Risk Governance: Current Developments and Future Perspectives”

Nanotechnology Law & Business just published its new edition.  For those who might be interested, Volume 6.2 contains an article I co-authored with several nano-friends entitled: "Nano Risk Governance: Current Developments and Future Perspectives."  You can find the article here.  An abstract follows. As with many new technologies, developing a framework for making risk management … Continue Reading

Are Nano Consumer Products Headed Underground? (EU News, Policy Positions, and EU Actions on line) published an article on June 15, 2009 entitled "Nanotech claims ‘dropped’ for fear of consumer recoil."  The article reported on a nanotechnology conference which took place in Brussels during the week of June 10 at which a scientist from the Woodrow Wilson International Center for … Continue Reading

EC Official Urges International Cooperation

According to a FDAnews Device Daily Bulletin dated October 30, 2006, Philippe Martin, principal administrator for the EC’s nanotechnology and policy efforts, recently advocated international cooperation and self-regulation in the world-wide nanotechnology industry. Martin was quoted as saying that the “U.S. industry’s ‘catch me if you can’ approach to dealing with regulators is not useful.” … Continue Reading