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Tag Archives: personal information

China’s draft measure on cross-border personal information transfer

On June 13, 2019, the Cyberspace Administration of China (CMA, 国家互联网信息办公室), an office that serves as China’s central internet regulator and censor, released the draft Measures for Security Assessment of Cross-border Transfer of Personal Information (the Measure, 个人信息出境安全评估办法) for public comment. Following is a brief analysis on how this Measure, if adopted, could affect U.S. … Continue Reading

Grandfather Provision of Massachusetts Data Security Requirements Expiring

This note is a reminder of the expiration of the grandfather provision under the Massachusetts Data Security Regulations, summarized here, which expires on March 1, 2012.   Any applicable third party service provider contract entered into prior to March 1, 2010 must incorporate the appropriate security measures for personal information as specified in the regulations.  Companies … Continue Reading

Will Facebook soon be privacy-friendly?

FTC Audit Agreement According to various news reports, Facebook and the FTC are about to enter into an agreement which will subject Facebook to privacy audits for the next 20 years. The agreement will apparently require Facebook to obtain prior express consent before making public any information to which the user had granted limited access … Continue Reading