By Porter Wright on European Plastics News posted an article on it’s site last week,("Graphene developers seek routes out of the lab"), focusing on challenges to and progress in the commercialization of graphene, specifically its "potential as a mutlifunctional reinforcement in composites". Among the challenges the article raises are: 1) Entangling of 3D carbon nanotubes (CNTS) bundles 2) Individual graphite … Continue Reading
By Porter Wright on Earlier this month, the U.K.’s Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) and the Technology Strategy Board (TSB) announced that they would be providing grants totalling over £6.5 million ($10,285,345.31) to seven business-led projects that will focus on developing therapeutic agents and diagnostics where nanoscale technologies are at the heart of the innovation. The aim of the investment … Continue Reading
By Porter Wright on Among the United Kingdom’s many traditions is the Queen’s New Year’ Honors List, a list of politicians, actors, writers and others awarded with knighthoods for distinguished services in fields ranging from charitable work to business to acting. Among this years honorees are Professors Andre Geim and Konstantin Novoselov, both of the University of Manchester. As noted here in October … Continue Reading
By Porter Wright on On February 17 2011, the EPA, in conjunction with the Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) and the UK’s Natural Environmental Research Council (NERC), announced the awarding of $12 million ($5.5 million from the EPA, $500,000 from CPSC, and $6 million from NERC) to three consortia to fund research aimed at providing a greater understanding of potential … Continue Reading
By Porter Wright on The UK’s nanotech centres, receipients of GBP 50 million (roughly about 79.5 million dollars) under the previous Labour Party government, may become victims of the Conservative – Liberal Democrat coalition government’s plans to reduce the UK budget deficit. Appearing before the House of Commons Science and Technology Committee on July 23, 2010, Minister of State for Universities … Continue Reading
By Porter Wright on One of the frequent demands of NGOs, such as Friends of the Earth, is that the public should have a role in the development of regulations and government policies toward nanotechnology. The UK has taken this issue seriously and has devised a way for the public to participate in developing regulations and policy. Last week, … Continue Reading
By Porter Wright on We here at the Nanotechnology Law Report like to think that nanotech is the "next big thing." Many think that another "next big thing" is the concern and discussion over global warming and greenhouse gases (GHGs). Last week these two big things came together in two very interesting ways.… Continue Reading
By Porter Wright on Information out of Europe suggests that the U.S. EPA’s Nanoscale Materials Stewardship Program, when finally launched, may not be as successful as the Agency hopes. A similar program in the United Kingdom, the Voluntary Reporting Scheme for Engineered Nanoscale Materials, administered by the Department for Environment, Food & Rural Affairs (DEFRA), has received lukewarm responses … Continue Reading