Spearheaded by Sandia National Labs, a group of universities and industry has formed the National Institute for Nano-Engineering (NINE) to address the science and engineering education concerns related to nanotechnology. The NINE "hub" will be located at Sandia, and is designed to "broaden students’ education through a unique team research experience by engaging in multi-disciplinary teams working on per-competitive research in leading-edge technical areas." All levels of students will be involved in the project, from pre-college students to post-graduates. The program will also address other aspects of research, including the business, legal, political, and social aspects of research.
Members of NINE include: Intel Corp., Exxon Mobil, IBM, Lockheed Martin, Goodyear Tire and Rubber, University of Wisconsin, Rice University, Yale University, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, and several more companies and universities.
More information on NINE can be found here.