Inside EPA is reporting that the Massachusetts Interagency Nanotechnology Committee is developing a set of "best practices" for labs and companies working with materials in order to protect nano-sector workers, the public, and the environment from potentially harmful exposures.

The interagency group was formed in April 2007 and has since held one workshop on nanotechnology risks in November 2007, and was seeking to create a website as an information clearinghouse for nanotechnology.  The proceedings have been published and are available for review, however, the on-line clearinghouse could not be located.

The best management practices are reportedly going through "internal review" and then will be revealed to "stakeholders" before full publication.  The group plans to build its best management practices on knowledge gained from prior attempts, such as by NIOSH and the Nano Risk Framework.

Another set of best management practices is another example of the level of attention nanotechnology continues to get, especially by state and local governments.  These new publications also serve as an iterative process for the prior versions that may or may not be continually revised.  By using prior attempts at developing best management practices, current versions can revise the information, and maintain developed institutional knowledge, in an effort to reach better sets of principles.

Should we find the Committee’s best management practices when published, or locate the on-line clearinghouse, we will be sure to update this post.