Technology Law Source

Tag Archives: reuters

Nanotechnology Law — New 2011 Edition

The new 2011 edition of Nanotechnology Law published by West/Thomson/Reuters is now out.  I update the book every year and the new edition has lots of new stuff.  They make excellent Christmas and Birthday gifts, and are a general cure for insomnia.  All proceeds go to my underprivileged daughters’ college fund.  Everyone should have one … Continue Reading

“Nanotechnology Law” Published by West/Thomson/Reuters

 "Nanotechnology Law" by John Monica was just published this week by West/Thomson/Reuters, the world’s leading legal publisher. The book is the first comprehensive legal text on nanotechnology and weighs in at a healthy 900 pages. The table of contents is here. The book is divided into ten informative chapters: Nanotechnology Introduction National Nanotechnology Initiative and … Continue Reading