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Tag Archives: and

International Center for Technology Assessment et al v. Hamburg

On December 21, 2011, the International Center for Technology Assessment (ICTA), along with fellow plaintiffs Friends of the Earth (FOE), the Center for Environmental Health, Food and Water Watch, the Institute for Agriculture and Trade Policy, and the Action Group on Erosion, Technology and Concentration filed a complaint in the US District Court for the District of Norther California … Continue Reading

White House Issues Nanotechnology EHS Policy Statement

One June 9, the President’s Office of Budget and Management, United States Trade Representative, and Office of Science and Technology Policy issued a joint memorandum directed to all Executive branch departments and agencies entitled "Policy Principles for the U.S. Decision-Making Concerning Regulation and Oversight of Applications ofNanotechnology and Nanomaterials." The Policy Statement is important because it … Continue Reading

Request for Public Comments on the 2010 NNI Strategic Plan

Monday’s Federal Register carried a notice from the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy and the Nanoscience, Engineering and Technology Subcommittee of the National Science and Technology Council inviting the public to comment on the 2010 National Nanotechnology Initiative Strategic Plan. The NNI Strategic Plan  is the framework that underpins the nanotechnology work of the … Continue Reading

Wisconsin Legislature to Study Potential Regulation of Nanomaterials

Following California’s lead, Wisconsin’s legislature recently formed a special committee to study the potential regulation of nanomaterials from an environmental, health, and safety perspective.   Our readers will be interested in the committee’s membership and focus: Special Committee on Nanotechnology Chair: Rep. Chuck Benedict Vice Chair: Sen. Mark Miller Legislative Council Staff: Mary Matthias, Pam Shannon, and Larry … Continue Reading

President’s Council Evaluates National Nanotechnology Initiative

This article originally appeared on the National Nanomanufacturing Network’s InterNano website earlier today. It is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported. Maxine Savitz[1] and Ed Penhoe[2] provided a recent presentation summarizing the highlights of the President’s Council of Advisors on Science and Technology (PCAST)[3] report on the status of the US National Nanotechnology Initiative … Continue Reading

Australia Considers Proposal for Nano-Regulatory Reform

This article was written by John C. Monica, Jr. and Dr. Diana Bowman and originally appeared on the National Nanomanufacturing Network’s InterNano website earlier today.  It is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported. Dr. Bowman is a Senior Research Fellow in the School for Population Health at the University of Melbourne and a Visiting … Continue Reading

Private Spending on Nano Exceeds Government Spending for First Time

Chemical Business NewsBase recently published an article comparing global private funding to government funding for nanotechnology research, development, and commercialization. The article cites Lux Research figures indicating that private funding for nanotechnology reached $9.6 billion in 2008, while government investment was $8.6 billion. According to the article, this was the first year that private spending … Continue Reading

Nanotechnology Health and Safety Forum — Seattle, June 8 – 9, 2009

Battelle Memorial Institute, the University of Washington, and the University of Oregon are co-sponsoring the international Nanotechnology Health and Safety Forum (NHSF) in Seattle, Washington on June 8 – 9, 2009.  The NHSF is coinciding with the first world-wide meeting of the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) TC 229 — Nanotechnologies being held in the United States, … Continue Reading

EPA’s Nanoscale Materials Stewardship Program Receives New Submissions

The first phase of EPA’s voluntary Nanoscale Materials Stewardship Program (NMSP) closes on Monday.  For those keeping track, the most up-to-date NMSP participation statistics as of July 24, 2008 follow.  It is shaping up to be a very respectable list of participants. Submissions Under Basic Program: (9 submissions – covering 68 nanoscale materials) DuPont; Nanophase Technologies Corporation; … Continue Reading

Nanotechnology Advancement and New Opportunities Act

Nanowerk News is reporting that Representative Mike Honda (D-San Jose) introduced HR 3235, the Nanotechnology Advancement and New Opportunities (NANO) Act.  The legislation is to "promote the development and responsible stewardship of nanotechnology in the United States."  Representative Honda drew on the report, "Thinking Big About Thinking Small"  when drafting the legislation for Congressional consideration.… Continue Reading